rem SYNOPSYS rem rem @oem_exec_template.sql rt_owner location_name {PLSQL | SQL_LOADER | PROCESS} task_name system_params custom_params rem rem NAME rem rem oem_exec_template.sql - OEM Execution Template rem rem USAGE rem rem rt_owner := e.g. MY_RUNTIME - Name of the Runtime Repository Owner rem rem location_name :- e.g. MY_WAREHOUSE - Physical Name of the Location to which this task was deployed rem (i.e. a DB Location or a Process Location or the Platform Schema) rem Note: Always use "PlaformSchema" for SQL_LOADER types. rem rem task_type :- PLSQL - OWB PL/SQL Mapping rem | SQL_LOADER - OWB SQL*Loader Mapping rem | PROCESS - OWB ProcessFlow rem rem task_name :- e.g. MY_MAPPING - Physical Name of the Deployed Object rem rem custom_params :- { , | (name = value [, name = value]...)} rem e.g. "," rem or MY_PARAM=1,YOUR_PARAM=true rem rem system_params :- { , | (name = value [, name = value]...)} rem e.g. "," rem or MY_PARAM=1,YOUR_PARAM=true rem rem RETURNS rem rem 0 if task reports SUCCESS or WARNING, otherwise >0 rem rem rem DESCRIPTION rem rem This SQL*Plus script can be pasted into a user-defined OEM SQL*Plus Job. This job rem can be then used with OEM's 'Create Like' functionality to either create new rem parameterized jobs or to submit new jobs for immediate execution. rem rem This script is design to be run from a Runtime User, not the Runtime Repository Owner. rem The Runtime Repository Owner is nominated to the parameters. rem rem In its unchanged form the script takes the three keys required to identify rem the executable task. rem rem The task is executed with the default parameters configured prior to deployment. rem rem The custom_params and system_params values override the default input parameters rem of the task. rem rem Note: The comma character can be escaped using the backslash character; likewise the backslash rem character can be escaped by itself. rem rem A list of the valid System Parameters for each task type can be obtained from the OWB rem documentation, but generally the deployed defaults are sufficient. The Custom Parameters rem are defined on the object in the OWB Designer. rem rem EXAMPLE rem rem @oem_exec_template.sql MY_RUNTIME MY_WAREHOUSE PLSQL MY_MAPPING "," "," rem @oem_exec_template.sql MY_RUNTIME PlatformSchema SQL_LOADER MY_LOAD "," "," rem @oem_exec_template.sql MY_RUNTIME MY_WORKFLOW PROCESS MY_PROCESS "," "," rem rem Note: @oem_exec_template.sql must not included in the OEM parameter field as is added rem automatically by OEM. -- define OEM_FRIENDLY=true set serveroutput on set verify off whenever sqlerror exit failure; define REPOS_OWNER=&1 define LOCATION_NAME=&2 define TASK_TYPE=&3 define TASK_NAME=&4 define SYSTEM_PARAMS=&5 define CUSTOM_PARAMS=&6 alter session set current_schema = &REPOS_OWNER; set role wb_r_&REPOS_OWNER, wb_u_&REPOS_OWNER; variable exec_return_code number; declare l_oem_style boolean := &OEM_FRIENDLY; l_audit_execution_id number; -- Audit Execution Id l_audit_result number := wb_rt_api_exec.RESULT_FAILURE; -- Result Code l_audit_result_disp varchar2(64) := 'FAILURE'; -- Result Display Code l_task_type_name varchar2(64); -- Task Type Name l_task_type varchar2(64); -- Task Type l_task_name varchar2(64); -- Task Name l_location_name varchar2(64); -- Location Name procedure override_input_parameter ( p_audit_execution_id in number, p_parameter_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2, p_parameter_kind in number ) is l_parameter_kind varchar2(64); begin if p_parameter_kind = wb_rt_api_exec.PARAMETER_KIND_SYSTEM then l_parameter_kind := 'SYSTEM'; else l_parameter_kind := 'CUSTOM'; end if; dbms_output.put_line('| ' || p_parameter_name || '%' || l_parameter_kind || '=' || '''' || p_value || ''''); wb_rt_api_exec.override_input_parameter ( p_audit_execution_id, p_parameter_name, p_value, p_parameter_kind ); end; procedure override_input_parameters ( p_audit_execution_id in number, p_parameters varchar2, p_parameter_kind in number ) is l_anchor_offset number := 1; l_start_offset number := 1; l_equals_offset number; l_comma_offset number; l_value_offset number; l_esc_offset number; l_esc_count number; l_esc_char varchar2(4); l_parameter_name varchar2(4000); l_parameter_value varchar2(4000); function strip_escape ( p_escapedString varchar2 ) return varchar2 is l_strippedString varchar2(4000); l_a_char varchar2(4); l_b_char varchar2(4); l_strip_offset number := 1; begin loop exit when p_escapedString is null or l_strip_offset > length(p_escapedString); l_a_char := SUBSTR(p_escapedString, l_strip_offset, 1); if l_strip_offset = length(p_escapedString) then l_strippedString := l_strippedString || l_a_char; exit; else if l_a_char = '\' then l_b_char := SUBSTR(p_escapedString, l_strip_offset + 1, 1); if l_b_char = '\' or l_b_char = ',' then l_strippedString := l_strippedString || l_b_char; l_strip_offset := l_strip_offset + 1; end if; else l_strippedString := l_strippedString || l_a_char; end if; end if; l_strip_offset := l_strip_offset + 1; end loop; return l_strippedString; end; begin loop l_equals_offset := INSTR(p_parameters, '=', l_start_offset); exit when l_equals_offset = 0; l_start_offset := l_equals_offset + 1; loop l_comma_offset := INSTR(p_parameters, ',', l_start_offset); if l_comma_offset = 0 then l_comma_offset := length(p_parameters) + 1; exit; else l_esc_count := 0; l_esc_offset := l_comma_offset - 1; loop l_esc_char := SUBSTR(p_parameters, l_esc_offset, 1); exit when l_esc_char != '\'; l_esc_count := l_esc_count + 1; l_esc_offset := l_esc_offset - 1; end loop; if MOD(l_esc_count, 2) != 0 then l_start_offset := l_comma_offset + 1; else exit; end if; end if; end loop; l_parameter_name := LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTR(p_parameters, l_anchor_offset, l_equals_offset - l_anchor_offset))); l_parameter_value := strip_escape(SUBSTR(p_parameters, l_equals_offset + 1, l_comma_offset - (l_equals_offset + 1))); -- Override Input Parameter override_input_parameter(p_audit_execution_id, l_parameter_name, l_parameter_value, p_parameter_kind); exit when l_comma_offset >= length(p_parameters)-1; l_start_offset := l_comma_offset + 1; l_anchor_offset := l_start_offset; end loop; end; procedure override_custom_input_params ( p_audit_execution_id in number, p_parameters varchar2 ) is l_parameter_kind number := wb_rt_api_exec.PARAMETER_KIND_CUSTOM; begin override_input_parameters(p_audit_execution_id, p_parameters, l_parameter_kind); null; end; procedure override_system_input_params ( p_audit_execution_id in number, p_parameters varchar2 ) is l_parameter_kind number := wb_rt_api_exec.PARAMETER_KIND_SYSTEM; begin override_input_parameters(p_audit_execution_id, p_parameters, l_parameter_kind); null; end; begin -- -- Initialize Return Code -- :exec_return_code := wb_rt_api_exec.RESULT_FAILURE; -- -- Import Parameters -- dbms_output.put_line('Stage 1: Decoding Parameters'); l_task_type_name := '&TASK_TYPE'; if UPPER(l_task_type_name) = 'PLSQL' then l_task_type := 'PLSQL'; elsif UPPER(l_task_type_name) = 'SQL_LOADER' then l_task_type := 'SQLLoader'; elsif UPPER(l_task_type_name) = 'PROCESS' then l_task_type := 'ProcessFlow'; else l_task_type := l_task_type_name; end if; l_task_name := '&TASK_NAME'; l_location_name := '&LOCATION_NAME'; dbms_output.put_line('| location_name=' || l_location_name); dbms_output.put_line('| task_type=' || l_task_type); dbms_output.put_line('| task_name=' || l_task_name); -- -- Decode Parameters -- begin -- -- Prepare Execution -- dbms_output.put_line('Stage 2: Opening Task'); l_audit_execution_id :=, l_task_name, l_location_name); dbms_output.put_line('| l_audit_execution_id=' || to_char(l_audit_execution_id)); commit; -- -- Override Parameters -- dbms_output.put_line('Stage 3: Overriding Parameters'); override_system_input_params(l_audit_execution_id, '&SYSTEM_PARAMS'); override_custom_input_params(l_audit_execution_id, '&CUSTOM_PARAMS'); -- -- Execute -- dbms_output.put_line('Stage 4: Executing Task'); l_audit_result := wb_rt_api_exec.execute(l_audit_execution_id); if l_audit_result = wb_rt_api_exec.RESULT_SUCCESS then l_audit_result_disp := 'SUCCESS'; elsif l_audit_result = wb_rt_api_exec.RESULT_WARNING then l_audit_result_disp := 'WARNING'; elsif l_audit_result = wb_rt_api_exec.RESULT_FAILURE then l_audit_result_disp := 'FAILURE'; else l_audit_result_disp := 'UNKNOWN'; end if; dbms_output.put_line('| l_audit_result=' || to_char(l_audit_result) || ' (' || l_audit_result_disp || ')'); -- Finish Execution dbms_output.put_line('Stage 5: Closing Task'); wb_rt_api_exec.close(l_audit_execution_id); commit; dbms_output.put_line('Stage 6: Processing Result'); if l_oem_style then if l_audit_result = wb_rt_api_exec.RESULT_SUCCESS then :exec_return_code := 0; elsif l_audit_result = wb_rt_api_exec.RESULT_WARNING then :exec_return_code := 0; else :exec_return_code := l_audit_result; end if; else :exec_return_code := l_audit_result; end if; dbms_output.put_line('| exit=' || to_char(:exec_return_code)); exception when no_data_found then raise_application_error(-20001, 'Task not found - Please check the Task Type, Name and Location are correct.'); end; end; / exit :exec_return_code; ;