saibalguha's blog
Submitted by saibalguha on Thu, 2013-03-21 06:56
Apps clone is like cloning a human being. Please read the detail below.
1) Run adpreclone on DB/CM/AP tiers
This is pre-requisite step of cloning 11i prod and will not change anything in any system. This script will only create on $COMMON_TOP, a directory called "clone", with a basic structure of executable, scripts, templates and java files. Later to the creation of the clone directory, the process picks up important information of your source system with which upgrades the necessary templates for the process adcfgclone that was carried out in the target server.
Submitted by saibalguha on Wed, 2011-09-07 05:12
One of the great features about partitioning, and most specifically range-based partitioning, is the ability to load data quickly and easily with minimal impact on the current users using:
alter table call exchange partition data_2007 with table call_temp;