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Updated: 1 day 17 hours ago

FAST out-of-place materialized view refresh problem

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
I encountered a problem related to forcing the refresh procedure on the materialized view in a combined manner: - refresh_method = 'F' - out_of_place = true <code>DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('FOO_MV', out_of_place => true, atomic_refresh => false, method => 'F');</code> For the past few days, I have made many different attempts and tests to force a situation in which MV is refreshed using a combination of: refresh-method = FAST and out-of-place = TRUE but only succeeded in achieving the combinations: refresh-method = COMPLETE and out-of-place = TRUE refresh-method = FAST and out-of-place = FALSE Therefore, my main question is: <b>Are there any internal restrictions or conditions that must be met in order to perform FAST out-of-place refresh?</b> Because after reviewing the official documentation: I have not found anything that would prevent such a combination from succeeding in my case. It is even clearly stated that out-of-place should work with any refresh method, with FAST preferred first. Below I attach a script setting up and demonstrating the problem I am facing. Due to limited privileges in the LiveSQL tool, I recommend using the script on a local database <code> -- Clean Workspace DROP TABLE FOO; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW FOO_MV; -- Create the Base Table FOO CREATE TABLE FOO ( product_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, product_name VARCHAR2(100), product_price NUMBER(10, 2) ); -- Insert Sample Data into FOO table INSERT INTO FOO (product_id, product_name, product_price) VALUES (1, 'Widget A', 19.99); INSERT INTO FOO (product_id, product_name, product_price) VALUES (2, 'Gizmo B', 29.99); COMMIT; -- Create Materialized View Log CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON FOO WITH ROWID, PRIMARY KEY, SEQUENCE; -- Create simple Materialized View CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW FOO_MV BUILD DEFERRED REFRESH FAST ON DEMAND AS SELECT product_id, product_name, product_price FROM FOO; -- Drop PK on MV prebuilt table to meet out-of-place refresh requirements ALTER TABLE FOO_MV DROP PRIMARY KEY; -- Enable Advanced statistics collection EXEC DBMS_MVIEW_STATS.SET_MVREF_STATS_PARAMS ('FOO_MV','ADVANCED',30); -- Intial COMPLETE refresh of the Materialized View (out-of-place) EXEC DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('FOO_MV', out_of_place => true, atomic_refresh => false, method => 'C'); -- Insert incremental sample data into FOO table INSERT INTO FOO (product_id, product_name, product_price) VALUES (3, 'Gadget X', 49.99); INSERT INTO FOO (product_id, product_name, product_price) VALUES (4, 'Widget B', 24.99); COMMIT; -- Incremental FAST refresh of the Materialized View (HERE IS THE PROBLEM => despite the fact that out-of-place flag is true, the MV is refreshed in-place) EXEC DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('FOO_MV', out_of_place => true, atomic_refresh => false, method => 'F...
Categories: DBA Blogs

How to retrieve single hierarchy from Multiple Hierarchies

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
Hi, <b>There are several examples of hierarchal queries using the employees-manager example. Recently i came across hierarchal scenario where the table was storing multiple hierarchies. example data: </b> <code>CREATE TABLE example ( Title VARCHAR2(50), ID NUMBER, Link_id NUMBER );</code> <code>INSERT INTO your_table_name (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('A', 1, NULL); INSERT INTO example (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('B', 2, 1); INSERT INTO example(Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('C', 3, 2); INSERT INTO example (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('D', 4, 3); INSERT INTO example (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('E', 5, NULL); INSERT INTO example (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('F', 6, 5); INSERT INTO example (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('G', 7, 6); INSERT INTO example (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('H', 8, NULL); INSERT INTO example (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('I', 9, NULL); INSERT INTO example (Title, ID, Link_id) VALUES ('J', 10, 9);</code> Title |ID |Link_id A | 1 | null B | 2 | 1 C | 3 | 2 D | 4 | 3 E | 5 | null F | 6 | 5 G | 7 | 6 H | 8 | null I | 9 |null J | 10 | 9 and i wanted retrieve the whole hierarchy given any node i.e. passing ID 3 should return: A B C D i wrote the following function to get the root id: <code>create or replace FUNCTION find_root( p_id IN ) RETURN AS v_given_id := p_id; v_root_id; BEGIN LOOP SELECT Link_id INTO v_root_id FROM example WHERE id = v_given_id; IF v_root_id IS NULL THEN EXIT; -- Exit the loop if Link_id is null ELSE v_given_id := v_root_id; -- Update v_given_id with Link_id END IF; END LOOP; RETURN v_given_id; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN NULL; -- Return NULL if no record found for the given id WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN NULL; -- Handle other errors by returning NULL END;</code> <b>The following stored procedure will then call the above function and return the hierarchy based on the id returned by the function:</b> <code>create or replace PROCEDURE get_hierarchy( p_given_id IN, hmm OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) IS v_root_id; BEGIN SELECT find_root_id(p_given_id) INTO v_root_id FROM dual; -- Check if final case ID is not null IF v_final_case_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- Use explicit cursor declaration OPEN hmm FOR SELECT Title, ID, Link_id from example START WITH = v_root_id CONNECT BY PRIOR = example.link_id; ELSE -- Use RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR for customized error messages RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'No record foun...
Categories: DBA Blogs

Is it possible to create a private user under a DB schema?

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
We are writing to discuss an operational challenge that we are currently facing with the integration of Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) and Oracle Autonomous Database within our organization. Our setup utilizes OIC as the primary integration layer, in conjunction with the Autonomous Database for staging data, performing validations, and executing other data derivation tasks. Our infrastructure includes multiple OIC environments, each configured to connect to the same Autonomous Database but utilizing distinct database schemas. These schemas primarily contain custom tables and packages essential for enforcing our business rules. During the integration process, particularly when invoking subroutines, it is necessary to specify the database name along with the package or procedure name, as detailed in the Oracle documentation ( We encounter significant challenges when migrating integrations between different OIC environments due to the requirement of manually updating the schema name in each database activity to match the target environment's schema. This process is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, impacting our efficiency and operational continuity. In previous discussions with the Oracle Support team, the suggestion was made to utilize separate databases with identical schema names to circumvent this issue. However, due to resource constraints, expanding beyond our current setup of one database for production and another for non-production environments is not feasible. Given these circumstances, we are reaching out to inquire if there might be an alternative solution or workaround that could facilitate a more streamlined migration process between OIC environments without the need for manual updates. Any suggestions or guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated
Categories: DBA Blogs

Call shell script using stored procedure /function.

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
Hi, I want to create a stored procedure / function which will call shell script and shell script will have command to copy the file from particular location of DB server to another location of DB server. I tried using the scheduler job same is working fine but i don't want to use scheduler job. I want to use procedure/function to call shell script. Request your help in how to call shell script in stored procedure/function. Regards GirishR
Categories: DBA Blogs

Sequence issue

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
Hi Tom , Not sure about category of this question but will explain the same We had come across one issue .. In pre staging server environment sequence column is generating incremented value as per the last record updated in a table via procedure (which is what we want and is fine ) ?-issue below Whereas in production (distributed env)we saw that most recently inserted record has lower sequence value than the previous one for one of the cases.As sequence is incremental it should generate highest value for last updated record. We are using golden gate in production Wherein sequence values are taken in odd number for one server and in even numbers for other server . What could be the scenario ? Is it beacuse of multiple instances of that server using the same table (distributed server) but that should nt be the issue i guess because server replication should not create wrong data Note :all commits are in place after dml in a procedure . Is there any pros/cons of using sequence or cache/no order keyword in Oracle which may be causing this issue ? Is there a issue with using sequence ? How to rectify this issue as 100s of procedures are using that sequence functionality?are there any gaps which can be covered while using sequence generated value ? Kindly confirm
Categories: DBA Blogs

csv output using sqlplus spool is very slower than expdp

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
Dear friends, I try to export csv from a patitoned table ( 300GB ) it takes 3 hours (only one table), using following code <code> set term off set feed off set colsep '|' set echo off set feedback off set linesize 1000 set pagesize 0 set trimspool on SET TERMOUT OFF spool '/backup/csv/Mytable.csv' SELECT /*+ parallel */ /*csv*/ col1 || '|' || col2 || '|' || col3 FROM MySchema.MyTable ; spool off exit;</code> but when I export (expdp ) all schema tables & its data (3TB) it takes only 20 minutes! why expdp is very fast comparing to sql spool ? what is fast method csv output from oracle table ? regards Siya AK Hardware 4 TB Ram + 196 core cpu + nvme disk oracle 11g r2
Categories: DBA Blogs

Upload files directly to static application files

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
Hi, I have a use case in which I want the end user to upload files from UI and it will directly store into the application's static files section. Are there any APIs available? Thanks, Tushar
Categories: DBA Blogs

Dependant package not invalidated and recompiled thus providing bad results

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
Hi Connor/Chris, I am struggling to reason about the case attached in the liveSQL session. P1 spec ('get_field_value' just returns the value of 'field' from the record given) <code> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE p1 AS field_default CONSTANT varchar2(4) := '0000'; TYPE typ_rec IS RECORD ( field varchar2(4) default field_default ); function get_field_value(p_rec typ_rec) return varchar2; end; </code> P2 body <code> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY p2 AS function get_field_value return varchar2 as l_rec p1.typ_rec; begin return p1.get_field_value(l_rec); end; end; / </code> Now we should get '0000' no matter how we get to the record.field value <code> DECLARE l_rec p1.typ_rec; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(p1.get_field_value(l_rec)); dbms_output.put_line(p2.get_field_value()); END; / </code> However, now if we prepend a new constant to P1 <code> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE p1 AS dummy CONSTANT varchar2(4) := 'XXXX'; field_default CONSTANT varchar2(4) := '0000'; TYPE typ_rec IS RECORD ( field varchar2(4) default field_default ); function get_field_value(p_rec typ_rec) return varchar2; end; </code> P2 is not invalidated and starts to return 'XXXX' as a value for the field. It looks like it stored the index of the constant from P1 to be used and now it happily returns the incorrect value. If one recompiles P2 manually, it starts to return correct result of '0000' again. You can image the fun one has when a values of 200 constants are suddenly offset. I tried to find in the docs some explanation of this behaviour but to no avail.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Finding purchases on 10+ consecutive days

Wed, 2024-05-15 23:26
I'm trying to use march_recognize() to find purchases made for each customer for 10+ consecutive days. A day being the next calendar date. For example, if customer 1 made 2 purchases on 10-MAY-2024 at 1300 hours and 1400 hours this would not be 2 consecutive days it would be considered 1 day.Whereas if customer 1 made a purchase on 10-MAY-2024 at 23:59:59 and on 11-MAY-2024 at 00:00:00 this would be considered 2 consecutive days since the calendar date has changed although it's not 24 hours after the first purchase on 10-MAY-2024 at 23:59:59. Based on my test CASE below and sample data I appear to be finding the following streak of days CUSTOMER_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME START_DATE END_DATE CONSECUTIVE_DAYS and I am unsure why? 2 Jane Smith 15-JAN-2023 20-JAN-2023 6 As you can see this is only 6 consecutive days not 10 or more therefore I thought the match_recognize() would have filtered this out. Is this something match_recognize can detect? If so, how? If not, can you suggest a workaround? <code>ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = 'DD-MON-YYYY'; CREATE TABLE customers (CUSTOMER_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME) AS SELECT 1, 'Ann', 'Aaron' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Jane', 'Smith' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 3, 'Bonnie', 'Winterbottom' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 4, 'Sandy', 'Herring' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 5, 'Roz', 'Doyle' FROM DUAL; create table purchases( ORDER_ID NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1) NOT NULL, customer_id number, PRODUCT_ID NUMBER, QUANTITY NUMBER, purchase_date timestamp ); insert into purchases (customer_id, product_id, quantity, purchase_date) select 2 customer_id, 102 product_id, 2 quantity, TIMESTAMP '2024-04-03 00:00:00' + INTERVAL '18' HOUR + ((LEVEL-1) * INTERVAL '1 00:00:01' DAY TO SECOND) * -1 + ((LEVEL-1) * interval '0.007125' second) as purchase_date from dual connect by level <= 15 UNION all select 1, 101, 1, DATE '2024-03-08' + INTERVAL '14' HOUR + ((LEVEL-1) * INTERVAL '1 00:00:00' DAY TO SECOND) * -1 from dual connect by level <= 5 UNION ALL select 3, 103, 3, DATE '2024-02-08' + INTERVAL '15' HOUR + ((LEVEL-1) * INTERVAL '0 23:59:59' DAY TO SECOND) * -1 from dual connect by level <= 5 UNION all select 2, 102,1, date '2023-07-29' + level * interval '1' day from dual connect by level <= 12 union all select 2, 103,1, date '2023-08-29' + level * interval '1' day from dual connect by level <= 15 union all select 2, 104,1, date '2023-11-11' + level * interval '1' day from dual connect by level <= 9 union all select 4, 103,(3*LEVEL), TIMESTAMP '2023-06-01 05:18:03' + numtodsinterval ( (LEVEL -1) * 1, 'day' ) + numtodsinterval ( LEVEL * 37, 'minute' ) + numtodsinterval ( LEVEL * 3, 'second' ) FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 4 UNION ALL SELECT 3, 102, 4,TIMESTAMP '2022-12-22 21:44:35' + NUMTODSINTERVAL ( ...
Categories: DBA Blogs

PLW-07204: conversion away from column type may result in sub-optimal query plan

Tue, 2024-05-07 19:26
I have been wondering for a long time why a select like "SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM foo WHERE c_now >= ts + 1" in the following example issues a PLW-07204 warning but for example "SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM foo WHERE ts < c_now - 1" does not. <code> CREATE TABLE foo (ts DATE, tx VARCHAR2(30)); INSERT INTO foo VALUES (SYSDATE - 1, 'foo'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES (SYSDATE - 2, 'bar'); COMMIT; ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS = 'ENABLE:7204'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION new_foo RETURN NUMBER IS c_now CONSTANT DATE := SYSDATE; l_count NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM foo WHERE c_now >= ts + 1; -- SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM foo WHERE ts < c_now - 1; RETURN l_count; END; / SELECT * FROM user_errors WHERE name = 'NEW_FOO'; </code>
Categories: DBA Blogs

SQL Loader free file format data load

Tue, 2024-05-07 19:26
We have many files available in our Linux mount point and wanted to load them into the table. The solution I'm seeking is to load all the files(with no-header, a different set of columns in each file, comma separated and new line char is available). <b>Sample file data:</b> files1.csv 1,"Test1" 2,"Test2" ----- files2.csv 1,123,"Case0" 2,456,"MyName" ----- files3.csv 1234234,"2024-01-01","foo" 5894234,"2024-02-01","foo3" I'm looking for a way to load these files in a single table as given below. Is there a way we can achieve this using SQL Loader? <b>Oracle Table: </b> Create table generic_files(COLUMN_1 VARCHAR2(4000), COLUMN_2 VARCHAR2(4000), COLUMN_3 VARCHAR2(4000), FILE_NAME VARCHAR2(4000), INSERT_DT DATE default SYSDATE) COLUMN_1. | COLUMN_2. | COLUMN_3 | FILE_NAME. | INSERT_DT (will have sysdate) 1 Test1 null files1.csv 2 Test2 null files1.csv 1 123 Case0 files2.csv 2 456 MyName files2.csv 1234234 2024-01-01 foo files3.csv 5894234 2024-02-01 foo3 files3.csv
Categories: DBA Blogs

parameters supplied to a @script.sql in SQLPlus

Tue, 2024-05-07 19:26
I have done a little searching, and not found anything that speaks to this, thought I would ask the experts: Recently I had to build an SQL script to be run in SQLPlus, and this script invoked another with the @ usage, and passed in a derived value as an argument (would be received as &1 in the 2nd-level code). I wondered if I was facing a misunderstanding with scope, and was hoping you could tell the world for sure. Test case (no tables or other types involved): 1st-level SQL <code> set pages 0 feed off head off verify off trims on variable roll_qtr1 VARCHAR2(6) exec :roll_qtr1 := to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')||'0'||to_char(sysdate,'q'); col filename1 new_val filename1 SELECT 'test_file_'||:roll_qtr1||'.dat' filename1 FROM dual; --spool &filename1 @ get_file_data.sql :roll_qtr1 --spool off </code> 2nd-level SQL (@ get_file_data.sql from above) <code> set pages 0 feed off head off verify on lines 9000 colsep ',' variable parm_qtr varchar2(6) exec :parm_qtr := '&1'; SELECT :parm_qtr FROM dual; </code> Now removing the single quotes off the &1 in the 2nd-level SQL gets the value I expect, whereas the code as it is gives: BEGIN :parm_qtr := <b>':roll_qtr1'</b>; END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at line 1 <b>What gives?</b> It passed the actual bind variable name instead of the value? Which says to me that running an SQL file with "@" is very much the same as, say, an <i>include</i> command in a C program, or running a KSH file in UNIX using the "." notation for execution - all making whatever happens as if it's all in one process/session. Wouldn't this negate the value of command line parameters within the SQLPlus session? Is there a by-reference vs. by-value thing going on? I sure would value a chance to learn the right understanding.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Why is json_array_t using 0-based indexing

Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
It took me 25 years to get used to Oracle using 1-based indexing in pretty much all API's. How the rather new json_array_t data structure used a 0-based indexing and drives me crazy. Is there any reason behind this "strange anomaly" or did someone just want to drive people crazy? The following example only returns 2 and 3 because it must be written "FOR i IN 0 .. c_json.get_size() - 1 LOOP ": <code> DECLARE c_json CONSTANT json_array_t := json_array_t('[1, 2, 3]'); BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. c_json.get_size() LOOP dbms_output.put_line(c_json.get_number(i)); END LOOP; END; / </code>
Categories: DBA Blogs

Converting column number values into array number values in SQL

Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
I have a table like below. <code>create table t2 ( id varchar2(1),val number) ; insert into t2 values ('a',1); insert into t2 values ('a',2); insert into t2 values ('a',3); insert into t2 values ('a',4); insert into t2 values ('b',1); insert into t2 values ('b',2); insert into t2 values ('b',3); insert into t2 values ('c',1); insert into t2 values ('c',2); insert into t2 values ('c',4); insert into t2 values ('d',1); insert into t2 values ('d',2);</code> we have to print o/p like below. <code>id x --- ------- a 1,2,3,4 b 1,2,3 c 1,2,4 d 1,2</code> this can achieve by below query <code>select id,LISTAGG(val, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY val ) as x from t2 group by id</code> Here x column is character datatype .But i need to convert this to varray of number / nested table of number ( not varray/nestedtable of character ). i tried like below <code>CREATE TYPE varchar_TT AS TABLE OF varchar(10); with z as ( select id,varchar_TT(LISTAGG(val, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY val)) as x ,varchar_TT('1,2') y from t2 group by id ) select id , x ,y from z ; o/p ---- id x y ---- ------------- --------------- a C##SIVA.<b>VARCHAR_TT('1,2,3,4')</b>C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2') b C##SIVA.<b>VARCHAR_TT('1,2,3') </b>C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2') c C##SIVA.<b>VARCHAR_TT('1,2,4') </b>C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2') d C##SIVA.<b>VARCHAR_TT('1,2') </b>C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2')</code> if i add below condition , i am not getting any result . <b>where y member of x ;</b> so i tried to convert to number array . <code>CREATE TYPE number_TT AS TABLE OF number; with z as ( select id,number_TT(LISTAGG(val, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY val)) as x ,number_TT(1,2) y from t2 group by id ) select id , x ,y from z ; ORA-01722: invalid number 01722. 00000 - "invalid number" *Cause: The specified number was invalid. *Action: Specify a valid number.</code> 1 ) Here i need o/p like below to use <b><u>member</u></b> and <b><u>submultiset</u></b> conditions. <code>o/p ---- id x y ---- ------------- --------------- a C##SIVA.<b>NUMBER_TT(1,2,3,4) </b>C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2) b C##SIVA.<b>NUMBER_TT(1,2,3) </b>C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2) c C##SIVA.<b>NUMBER_TT(1,2,4) </b>C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2) d C##SIVA.<b>NUMBER_TT(1,2) </b>C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2) select varchar_tt('1,2') x ,number_TT(1,2) y from dual; x y -------------------- ---------------- C##SIVA.VARCHAR_TT('1,2') C##SIVA.NUMBER_TT(1,2)</code> Please let me know how to convert character array to number array . 2) <code>create table t4 ( id VARCHAR2(1) , val number_tt ) NESTED TABLE val STORE AS val_2 ;</code> How to insert into t4 table from t2 ? expected o/p query of t4 table should be like...
Categories: DBA Blogs

why view's trigger disappear?

Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
Got information from your archives, BUT solution is not provided or there's no solution??? Archive : "Why the trigger disappears... May 28, 2003 Reviewer: Kamal Kishore from New Jersey, USA " Hi Tom, After you re-create the view definition using CREATE OR REPLACE (maybe to change its condition), the trigger on the view disappears. Is this expected behaviour? SQL> create or replace view emp_view 2 as 3 select * from emp 4 SQL> / View created. SQL> create or replace trigger trig_emp_view 2 instead of insert or update on emp_view 3 for each row 4 begin 5 Null ; 6 end ; 7 / Trigger created. SQL> show errors No errors. SQL> select ut.trigger_name, ut.table_owner, ut.table_name 2 from user_triggers ut where trigger_name = 'TRIG_EMP_VIEW' 3 / TRIGGER_NAME TABLE_OWNER TABLE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TRIG_EMP_VIEW KKISHORE EMP_VIEW 1 row selected. SQL> create or replace view emp_view 2 as 3 select * from emp 4 / View created. SQL> select ut.trigger_name, ut.table_owner, ut.table_name 2 from user_triggers ut where trigger_name = 'TRIG_EMP_VIEW' 3 / no rows selected Followup: the "or replace" is replacing the view and all related things. the create or replace preserves grants -- not the triggers. it is a "new view" ====>> so what should I do if i have view's with instead of triggers became invalid? what syntax can I use to alter the view without my trigger disappearing? if "create or replace" cannot be used, what syntax can i used?
Categories: DBA Blogs

CPU Utilization

Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
Hi Tom, We run a multi-user OLTP system on Exadata Quarter Rack (Linux version). Though the system response time is consistent and is performing well. We observed Run queues with CPU utilization at 70% on both the nodes. What could be the reason? My understanding always has been that Run queues are formed only if the system utilization exceeds 100%. But in this case CPU on both the nodes is 65% utilized and 30% is free. But may be my understanding is flawed. Could you pls explain the concept of cpu utilization, run queues vis-avis cpu count, specially in OLTP workload?
Categories: DBA Blogs

Read consistency accross cursors in one procedure

Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
I am looking for read consistency across multiple cursors in a packaged procedure. In the past I have opened the cursors that I wanted to be consistent at the start of the procedure, used them, and closed them at the end. I am starting to think that the time the first cursor takes to open, and resolve it's result set is making the subsequent cursor inconsistent, although this seems to have worked 99% of the time. Example: DECLARE CURSOR Cur1 IS SELECT SUM(X) FROM A WHERE SummaryFlag = 'N'; CURSOR Cur2 IS SELECT ROWID FROM A WHERE SummaryFlag = 'N'; BEGIN OPEN Cur1; OPEN Cur2; . FOR Rows IN Cur1 UPDATE ASummary . . FOR Rows IN Cur2 UPDATE A SET SummaryFlag = 'Y' WHERE RowId = Cur2.ROWID; I have had a few occasions where the summary table does not contain the information that has now been flagged as summarized. Does opening the cursors one right after the other guarantee a consistent result set, and if not why? Will using "ALTER TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE" fix this? How can I set my ISOLATION LEVEL and ROLLBACK segment at the same time? Thanks in advance.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Receiving Webhook Events from Stripe Payment Processing

Tue, 2024-04-30 13:46
Here is my challenge. I am developing an application that receives webhook notifications when events occur. I have successfully used the restful services functionality in Apex (SQL Workshop>Restful Services) to retrieve data at the first (root?) level successfully. From the "request" sent from stripe below I can use paramters to retrieve the id, object, api_version, created, etc. but fail to retrieve the or anything nested at a lower level. (apologies if I am using wrong descriptors here). I have tried two approaches unsuccessfully: 1) a number of ways to identify the field as a parameter in the handler without success 2) retrieve the full json payload using :body, :body_text, :payload, :json_payload, etc. Any guidance on how I could identify specific fields lower in the hierarchy (example: the with value "cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E" below) as a parameter? Or, any guidance on how I could grab the full json payload? Any guidance is appreciated. Dwain { "id": "evt_1Oq4mjJ861pVT3w2L6jYiwce", "object": "event", "api_version": "2018-02-28", "created": 1709432897, "data": { "object": { "id": "cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E", "object": "customer", "account_balance": 0, "address": null, "balance": 0, "created": 1709432896, "currency": null, "default_currency": null, "default_source": null, "delinquent": false, "description": null, "discount": null, "email": "", "invoice_prefix": "2420987A", "invoice_settings": { "custom_fields": null, "default_payment_method": null, "footer": null, "rendering_options": null }, "livemode": false, "metadata": { }, "name": "mike", "next_invoice_sequence": 1, "phone": null, "preferred_locales": [ ], "shipping": null, "sources": { "object": "list", "data": [ ], "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/customers/cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E/sources" }, "subscriptions": { "object": "list", "data": [ ], "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/customers/cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E/subscriptions" }, "tax_exempt": "none", "tax_ids": { "object": "list", "data": [ ], "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/customers/cus_PfPbVdZHzvJq0E/tax_ids" }, "tax_info": null, "tax_info_verification": null, "test_clock": null } }, "livemode": false, "pending_webhooks": 1, "request": { "id": "req_KtKtxAnXwioenZ", "idempotency_key": "7263ed4a-0295-4a4e-a0b8-d7d3bf7f03b3" }, "type": "customer.created" }
Categories: DBA Blogs

How to call rest api which accept x-www-form-urlencoded in PL/SQL procedure in Apex

Mon, 2024-04-22 01:26
How to call rest api which accept x-www-form-urlencoded in PL/SQL procedure in Apex I am calling
Categories: DBA Blogs

Error in pl/sql code

Mon, 2024-04-22 01:26
When i try to run this code: DECLARE STUDENT_ID NUMBER; BEGIN -- Generate the next value for the sequence SELECT LMS_STUDENT_DETAILS_SEQ.nextval; -- Insert data into LMS_STUDENT_DETAILS table INSERT INTO LMS_STUDENT_DETAILS (STUDENT_ID, STUDENT_NAME, GENDER, DATE_OF_BIRTH, COURSE, CONTACT_NUMBER, DEPARTMENT) VALUES (STUDENT_ID, :P6_STUDENT_NAME, :P6_GENDER, :P6_DOB, :P6_COURSE, :P6_CONTACT_NO, :P6_DEPARTMENT); -- Insert data into LMS_BORROWER table INSERT INTO LMS_BORROWER (BORROWER_ID, ENTITY_OWNER_FK, ENTITY_TYPE) VALUES (LMS_BORROWER_SEQ.nextval, STUDENT_ID, 'STUDENT'); END; I faced this error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 106: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "DECLARE" when expecting one of the following: ( - + case mod new not null <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> continue avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute forall merge time timestamp interval date <a string literal with character set specification> <a number> <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe <an alternatively-quoted string literal with character set
Categories: DBA Blogs
